
Monday, August 24, 2015

Bathroom Re-Organizing

bathroom organizing

This summer was the queen of makeovers at my place. I was determined to have everything finished and looking great! With all the decluttering and donating going on, it was only necessary to give the place a full on makeover. The bathroom has been a spot I wanted to really just get organized and I did do just that last year. However, it didn't really stick because we (aka my mom) never went through the stuff to see what we don't use, don't need and that is just garbage. Instead, we have been taking all the things with us from each place we moved too.

However not anymore, we went through everything, filled up a garbage bag full of things and now the bathroom is even better than the last time I organized.


Eeek! It doesn't look as great as I thought it did. The mix match storage containers hid so many things that we couldn't see what was in there most of the time and it made the space feel dark and small. Also, having the dryer and irons in the storage container wasn't ideal. The dryers and irons were taller than the storage containers and it was sticking out. With a few changes it, and a plan set, it turned out way better!


This organization is a way better set up from the last. It feels airy and open as well as more balanced. These blue storage containers are half the size and only cost me $2.00 at dollarama. I saw these contiainers online on some of my favourite blogger's sites and wish I had it. It was like Dollarama read my mind because a year later, the exsact ones were there and way less the cost of what I have seen others play. What I love most about these containers is that it works great for seeing what we need without looking cluttered.

My mom bought a tray from Dollarma a while ago and the handle cracked so I tooked it and used it for the third shelf. Once I added the tray, I was able to arrage the smaller storage containers. One for brushes and combs (I got from working for Avon) as well as one for clips and ponytails.

The clear containers is from the bedroom closet makeover. I bought a set of them and had three that I didn't know what to do with. Two of them fit nicely in the tray so I placed cotton pads inside. The jar with a clip was from my littlest sister that she won from school (it used to have candy inside).

The fourth shelf is for the hamper. Leaving the hamper in the middle with nothing else near it, gives the shelf a larger feel to it and it looks cleaner as well. 

I love how everything turned out!

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on Twitter, like my Facebook page or  even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderful creative week!


  1. Great job with your bathroom re-organizing. Looks fab. Love the blue containers. I really really really need to declutter. I have done some decluttering but not a good enough effort. It feels so much better when things are organised and clutter free doesn't it.

    Over from from Too Cute Tuesday :)

    1. I agree, Kate, it does feel way better when things are organised as well as clutter free. I am so glad that you enjoyed my post. I hope you continue to visit!

  2. It's amazing how much stuff we collect in the bathroom isn't it? Your new reorganization looks great!

    I am co-hosting the #HomeMattersParty link party this month and would love to have you stop by for a visit. The door is open for the current party through Monday night.

    1. Thank you, Alayna! I will be sure to check it out!

  3. It looks great! Nice and neat. Thanks for sharing with us at the Merry Monday link party. I hope you'll join us again next week. Sharing your post on Twitter!

    1. Thanks Ash! I am happy to join your party every week! See you there. Oh and thanks for sharing it on twitter!

  4. You have done an amazing job. It looks beautiful and organized


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