
Thursday, August 20, 2015

OIP Dance Class - First Day

OIP Dance Centre Toronto

One of my biggest dream (okay on my top five) is taking Hip Hop Dance lessons from since I was younger. Never got to do it, but that never stopped my love of dance. I was the girl who did the dance choreography for talent shows and that random dance part in gym class for middle school (my group got the highest score!) and enjoyed myself in the line dance. I never needed an excuse to dance, just throw on the music and let it inspire your moves.

Now that the fire has lit under me to go after all of my dreams, I decided to start with Hip Hop dance classes and I could definitely afford it with this awesome Groupon deal I found -16 classes for $22.00 at the OIP Dance Centre! Come on, I couldn't resist that deal. I took it and took a friend with me!

First Day- Tour Day - My friend and I arrived a tad late because we got lost. When we did arrive, the class was packed with people and extremely hot. We tried to jump in but could not grasp the moves when they were already a couple steps in so we decided to come back but, this time, earlier.

First Day -  We were the first ones in class! So we could stretch and get settled in while we waited for more people arrived. Then it was time to dance. Our dance choreographer had us warm up with some music and stretch out our bodies before starting. Let me tell you, I was already sweating buckets and we haven't even really started yet. I have never sweat that much in my life.

Then he broke down all the moves for us. It took me a little while to catch everything and remember all the moves, but he made sure to go over the moves a few more times then we danced with music (which was Peaches and Cream by 112) as a group, broke into three separate groups and each group danced in the middle to music twice. Then we were done!

What a class! Awesome music, sweat everywhere and sore legs... It was for sure a workout! 
Now I can check this off my dream list! Check out more about my dreams on my new Dream page.

Haven't tried Groupon? What are you waiting for? Here is my invitation to you, CLICK HERE.

*This post contains a referral link. Opinions are 100% my own. For more information, see my disclosures page.*

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


  1. I was reading your Wednesday picture post and saw you were taking dance lessons. I was going to comment and ask what kind of dance....then I found the link to this post! Don't know how I missed it before! How great for you! Exercise and another thing on your list of 'dreams!!! You go, girl! Dona

    1. Thank you, Dona! It happens to everyone once in a while lol.

  2. Especially love the scenery pictures this time! It's odd to me that your city could be any where....and it's in Canada! A long way from Arizona, yet right next door. The old saying, 'it's a small world' is more true than ever! Thanks for sharing! Dona

    1. Thanks Dona, I enjoyed taking those pics for Live, Love, Life Lately this week. Definitely a small world for sure.


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