
Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Make a Beautiful Simple Tween Sitting Nook & Tent

Tween Bedroom Sitting Nook & Tent

My little sister is at the tween stage. She is 12 years old and before we know it she will have hit the teenage stage. We all need our own space, for us, that is very hard with so much us living in a three bedroom apartment. My mission is to come up with way to make our own space feel like ours.

Since my little sister has been diagnose with having extreme axienty and she also gets daily panic attacks, it is nessary for her to have a space of her own even if it is small and even if she says a bedroom with my little brother and my littler sister. I decided to create a tent/ nook area in their shared bedroom for when she doesn't want to climb up onto her pretty awesome bunk bed. She can still have time to herself and since she creates tents all around our apartments I thought this would be a great suprise for her.

This area didn't cost too much and it did not take to long to create. I bought this rather large bracket from Canadian Tire for less that $3.00.

It did not come with any screws so I had to use my own then I drilled it to the wall.

Next, I used the white LILL lace curtains that I bought from IKEA for $4.99. I orginally bought it for my bedroom, but I did not like it at all (guess I am not a lace person). It wasn't what I invisioned so I kept it for something else. It just so happend to look fantastic for this project. Simply slide both curtians on.

At Dollaram I found these self adhensive flowers. They wouldn't stay on their own so I glued it onto a nail and repeated all around. The nail keeps the flower in the hole at the end of the bracket.

Also, since the kids will be in the room and I am sure there will be a moving this around, the curtain wont be able to slide off the bracket because of the nail holding the flower. I love that you cant even tell that it's there.

Now it is time to work on the bottom.

Found awesome huge purple fluffy pillows over at Walmart for around $12.00 and bought two. I thought I would need tons of pillows, but two would out nicely.

All that is left is to sit back and relax! 


I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


  1. What a nice thing to do for your sister! I love the gauzy look. I'm sure she does too! Stopping by from Merry Monday.

  2. What a sweet thing to do for your little sister. I am sure she loves it. It looks like it could be a lot of fun. The lace curtains and the furry pillows makes it so inviting.

    1. Thank you, Trish. Yes, my little sister is enjoying her nook.

  3. That looks like a fun place to chill and read!

  4. Looks great. Personally I'd add some details that match the white curtain to the big purple pillows, but I realize that teens don't want too many frills. Well done at creating this! Another winner in your home, no doubt. Thank you for linking this up at SHARE IT linky party at A new party will open again tonight and hope to see you soon there! ~ Rose


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