
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

DIY Barbie Doll House

diy affordable barbie house

Barbie doll houses are expensive... at least they are in my option. I searched for one to buy for my little sister and saw one that cost $200 and that was at Walmart. I don't know about you, but that is a heavy price to pay for me. I remember buying my Barbie house from my best friend who was having a garage sale or she may have given that to me... (it was a long time ago).

I found a cool way of creating a doll house with using IKEA's Expedit shelving unit on Pinterest that I had to try out for myself. I bought IKEA' Kallax shelving unit on sale for I believe $40-45 so I thought it would be the perfect time to try this out.

I had an image in mind for this project. I wanted to give the wall a presence of a house without spending too much and also not take over the overall creativity. As much as I would love to go all out on this doll house... it just wouldn't not feel right to not let my creative littler sister have complete control over what the inside of the house. Therefore, I am sticking to the roof. I went to Micheal's Craft Store and bought myself six sheets of scrapbook paper. It is 99 cents each.

Using scotch tape, I tape the back of the paper.

Then I put wall mount stickers on the back of the paper and placed it onto the wall to work as the base of my roof.

For the top of the roof, I cut the paper in half and made a triangle shape.

You can of course choose to use clear tape to make it look more smooth.

Once the place it cleaned up from the things that you were using. It is time for the fun part.... when the Barbies can move on in!

Look, my sister has already added in her custom beds.

This turned out super cute and super easy! I wish I had done this earlier. Now, the canvas is set for my little sister to create her very own doll house in whatever what she wishes. Affordable, easy to change and left to the child's imagination. Check, Check and Check!

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


  1. Handmade, creative toys are better than those expensive brand ones. Your sister is going to get hours of playtime out of this :)

  2. Love it! I totally agree with Julie's comment! Have a great weekend Shanice!


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