
Friday, October 23, 2015

The Beautifully Creative Inspired Link Party #8

Welcome to The Beautifully Creative Inspired Link Party - this is a weekly party where bloggers and readers can be inspired by creative, informational and fun posts from tons of blogs around the web. You will find yummy recipes, awesome creative projects and many more. It is also a great way to meet and mingle with bloggers you find here. Best of all, the posts you share at this link party will be shown on 5 different blogs! Can you say “Show me the Traffic!”

We are so glad to have everyone (new visitors and returning party goers) joining us this week and I am especially glad to have these lovely ladies hosting this party with me. 

A Backgammon Tray - In The Boondocks

Diy Lip Balm Refill - The Crazy Organized Blog

<a href="" title="City Of Creative Dreams"><img src="" alt="City Of Creative Dreams" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative weekend!


  1. Thanks for the party, Shanice, Lynn, Jen, Gina, and Kathleen!

  2. Oh, I didn't get the notification to approve the linking so I was really pleasantly surprised to see my chicken artichoke recipe featured! Thank you so much! :) Happy weekend and thanks for hosting!

    1. Well it looks like it went through because you are featured :) Congrats girl!

  3. Shaunice, thank you so much for featuring my backgammon tray. It is always so much fun to visit your page and see all this great talent. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting Shanice. Hope you have a fabulous week!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate every single comment that comes my way. It warms my heart! I will though, not accept any comment that I believe to be spam like, inappropriate or just plain old rude. Happy place! Happy space! Happy blog :)

If you don't see your comment right away it is because all comments are moderated. Don't fear, it will be up soon so feel free to check back if you want to see what I replied back to you. Thanks again for the love and support. Can't wait to see what you wrote!