
Monday, November 2, 2015

Little Adjustments: IKEA Bookcase to Custom Closet

ikea hack bookcase to custom closet

Things can need a little adjustment. I loved my IKEA Hack: Bookcase to Custom Closet that I created for my son. With time, the closet started to look very unorganized. I realized that my design could do with two adjustments. All I need to do is lower the first shelf and bring up the last shelf. By doing this, it gives me more space to hang without knocking over anything and also more space for my son's shoes with it a must!

Here is the before:

As you can tell, shoes get piled up on each other because there is not enough space and you cannot see the shoes that are there. The top shelf gets hide by the clothes that are hanging and, as a result, it always looks like a mess. I had to fix this!

Tools Needed: Pen, Scotch Tape, and Drill.

I use the Scotch tape as a mark for where I want the shelf to move to.

I take more Scotch tape, place it over the previous nail.

Then poke a hole. 
Next, I flip the tape around so that it now works as a guide for the new hole I need to make.

After drilling the new hole, it is time to move the new shelves.

Here is the result!

The top shelf has a little breathing space for the clothes because I know that the clothes tend to get full. I also like that the top shelf has an opening, you can see what is in there with one look and it doesn't look messy.

Now I can see what I have and there is not more knocking things over. I have what I need on the daily right at my fingertips and the storage baskets add a nice pop of colour.

Finally, I can see his shoes! All of them.

It doesn't hurt to give a project a little update every one in a while. Most of the time, it ends up turning out for the best.

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


  1. Great upcycle Shanice. Ikea is good but it's even better when we can do things to it! Now it works for you!

  2. I looks so much neater now! Pinned to my Organization & Hack board! Thanks for linking up to Merry Monday! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. What a great transformation. I have been trying to get organized with all my grandchildrens things. This information helps

    1. Thank you, Linda! I am so glad that you are finding inspiration for organizing your grandchildren's things. Happy organizing!


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