
Monday, December 28, 2015

How To Get A Perfect French Manicure

how to get a perfect french manicure

Being a busy working mom, I don't have time to really treat myself to all the glam and sparkle of doing my nails. I either get interrupted when doing my nails or it just never gets near the top of my to-do list. I do enjoy looking at my nails and seeing it look pretty from time to time so last week I made the goal to actually do my nails... guess what happened. As I started doing the tips of one of my hands, work calls me in early. With one wipe with tissue and I was off to work.

I remember being on vacation when I was younger and went to a nail salon just to be told that I couldn't get the tips of my nails done because there were not long enough. Ever since then, I faked it. Friends would think I had gotten it done professional or it was gel but it wasn't. It was all me! Over the holidays, I finally got my nails finished and thought I would share this tip with you. This is how I have always gotten my nails done and to have what I want with shorter nails.

What you really need is white and clear nail polish. Get any brand you want. If it is a cheaper brand then make sure to use the clear nail polish twice for a stronger coat.

For the tips of my nail, I like to take a moment and apply tape above the line of where the nail and the skin meet.

This is the first time I have used washi tape (or paper tape) for my nail. I usually use plain clear tape.

Add the white nail polish. Remember that the tape this there in case a mistake occurs. 

Allow it to dry. 

Then peel the tape off, just like you would do for painting walls. I like to take mine off before it dries completely, but either way works.

Time for the gloss. Apply a top coat of clear nail polish and let dry. Make sure to add an extra coat if you need too. Then you are all done. 

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


  1. What a smart idea! Never thought to use washi as painter's tape for my nails. Thanks!

    1. Your welcome! It does make life a lot easier. Thanks for commenting!


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