
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

No Sew Travel Toy Cars Parking Pouch

no sew toy cars pouch

Do you have a car lover in your family? My son loves cars, in fact, he gets a new car every time he uses the potty. Desperate measures for potty training. With all the cars he was collected from potty training, he gets to bring along a few when we are in the car or out somewhere. Usually, I throw the into my purse and then have to do a nose dive dip into my purse to find it (guys say women purses are a black hole for a reason lol) So I created this travel cars parking pouch to solve that problem.

What you need is fabric, scissors, Heat & Bond, a toy car and iron. 

Take fabric and fold it into a half. Then use the Heat and Bond to 

Use the cars as a guide to see how much space you need between the cars before you use Heat & Bond.

Next, iron on a little bit of the Heat and bond to the tops of the fold to make a division between the cars.

Cut extra fabric.

Let it cool, add Velcro with a glue gun and then you are all done!

Time for the best part... adding the cars!

My son had fun choosing three cars to play with on car rides. It may have been a challenge just to pick just three, however, once he did decide we were on our way to having fun!

A simple way to keep toys in one spot when you travel on short trips.

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


  1. What a clever craft for the little one's! Love the fabric you chose too. Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday. Pinning to our party board and sharing on my Facebook page today.

  2. Creative and fun idea- tons of fabric patterns to use that fit your child's interest or decor. I like this idea! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Shelley! I agree that there are tons of fabric patterns to fit any child's interest and decor.

  3. This is a very clever idea. I will trying this for my grandchildren. Thank you so much for sharing

    1. Your welcome, Linda! It sure helps a ton! Hope your grandchildren enjoy it.


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