
Monday, February 1, 2016

Disney Giveaway

Disney has been on my list of dreams for ages and getting the chance to go there in the flesh was a true dream come true next to wanting to be a Disney Star when I was younger was literally the best day ever! When this opportunity to co-host a Disney Giveaway came up, you can be sure that I was ecstatic! You are going to want in on this giveaway so take a moment away from the TV or even sneak some time on your break at work because you are going to want to read the rest of this in order to enter for this $500 Disney Gift Card. Join me and some of my blogging friend for your chance to win!

Prize: $500 Disney Gift Card (can be used at any Disney park or store)

Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 2/29 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.

Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate every single comment that comes my way. It warms my heart! I will though, not accept any comment that I believe to be spam like, inappropriate or just plain old rude. Happy place! Happy space! Happy blog :)

If you don't see your comment right away it is because all comments are moderated. Don't fear, it will be up soon so feel free to check back if you want to see what I replied back to you. Thanks again for the love and support. Can't wait to see what you wrote!