
Monday, February 22, 2016

How to Go Paperless - 3 Better Ways To Store Your Files

How to Go Paperless - 3 Better Ways To Store Your Files

Have you ever lost photos or files? Not only the 'oops I deleted it and it's gone' but your USB broke or you forgot about some files on the computer before pressing factory restart. I don't know why but I have the worst experiences with my photos and files on my laptop this past year. I would think that I would learn my lesson, however, this whole me keeping pictures and folders sitting on a USB or my computer just has not been working out for me even though I have been raving about it in my post How to Go Paperless - 3 Ultimate Methods For Anyone. My new solution? The cloud.

To be completely honest, I wasn't on board with the cloud option for a very long time. I was terrified that it was too accessible. It's nice to be able to have your files on the go however, my fear was if someone were to steal my phone or laptop or tablet and now they have the same access as I do. That is if they are a super hacking genius, of course.

However, I have had enough of losing my precious documents and memories. I needed a better solution to keeping my stuff close, safe and accessible. I no longer want to live in the fear of worrying about my things disappearing into thin air and then googling my fingers off to see if there is any way possible to retrieve it. I been there, I have even gone to a place to see if they could fix my USB to find my things and no luck. So I am going to float on a cloud.

Let's talk, real talk shall we? What are the benefits of storing your stuff on a cloud service:
  • Automatic Back Up: Stop worrying about losing your files, USB or your computer gets set by factory reset because it is already backed up and waiting for you!
  • Accessibility: On vacation, at work, sitting in a doctor's office or just at home or a friend's place. You can access your files, photos, videos and more with your phone, tablet and computer.
Here are the best cloud storage places if you are thinking about floating on a cloud:

One Drive is what I am using the most in my life. It is my best friend when it comes to holding my purse full of files, photos and more. I like that I can use it on my iPad on the subway, at home and have my photos automatically sync to it from my phone so that it is safe. It is great! It is also integrated with Windows so you can create word documents.

I have a Dropbox account for a few years now but mostly use it solely for my blog printables. I like to keep all my printables there, in one place. It is easy to share with all my readers and link up my posts whenever I need to share them. I love it because it is easy to share and upload. It doesn't take much effort or thinking to really get everything you want onto it.

I am still very new with Google Drive. I have used it for my blog, however in a different way then storing. It is the spot where I created my link party information and use it to provide how-tos and templates for my link party co-hosts. What I like about it, is that you can create not only documents but you can make form sheets and have it on your site.

For someone who was afraid to get on a cloud, I sure use a lot of them. It is something you should think about if you need something accessible, just want to free your computer storage or even just need to feel better about keeping what matter most safe. Things can happen in less than a second so why no easy your mind and know where your files are at all times.

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!


  1. Awesome suggestions. I keep telling myself I am going to do this. I sure need to. Thanks for a great post.


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