
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

4 Hassle Free Tips to Get You Cleaning Happy

4 Hassle Free Tips to Get You Cleaning Happy | City of Creative Dreams

With Spring cleaning soon approaching us, I thought I would lend you a virtual helping hand. As much as I would love to help clean all my readers homes, I just don't have that kind of air miles, however, we can all agree that we want to have as much less stress as possible when it comes to cleaning especially when you don't love to clean. Who wouldn't want less stress and a faster way of getting these tasks done? I am just the same when it comes to cleaning, that is why I am sharing four tips that I like to use when cleaning in general or spring cleaning.

1. Organized List

Grab yourself a piece of paper and a pad or jot it down on the virtual version on your phone. Having everything listed down can be daunting, however, it can also be a helping hand to guide you through all the things that need to get done. I personally love using my Spring Cleaning printable every year. I laminated it so that I can use an erasable marker on it and don't have to think too much about it.

2. Caddy

Instead of going back and forth over and over around that house or apartment try easing up that process by having a caddy. You may feel like a house maid, but you will find that having everything right by your side in a handy caddy is just the helping hand you needed. They don't have to cost a lot either, you can use a bucket you have laying around or grab one from your local dollar store.

3. Multi- Use Products

There are a million products out there, shelves and shelves of them for just about everything which can be very difficult to hold in one caddy. I love products that have more that one use for them, last year I shared two cleaning tips for baking soda and vinegar that prove to be able to clean a majority of your home with just those items alone!

4. Entertainment

I have said it before and I will say it again, music makes cleaning so much fun. I love keeping the music to myself on my phone and a pair of headphones, by having it on a playlist set up, it requires me to be hands-free and completely focus on the task ahead. Groove to the beat or listen to your favourite novel on audio. Who says you can't have some fun while cleaning!

For more about cleaning in a more hassle free way, check out this weekly cleaning schedule. With this you not only cleaning in less time but you still get everything done.


Now you are all set to get cleaning, with your list, caddy, multi-use products and entertainment to get cleaning happy. You can use all these tips not only for your spring cleaning but for cleaning in general because let's face it, we all have to clean!

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week

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