
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Spring Cleaning - Living Room Bookshelf Plan

Spring Cleaning - Living Room Bookshelf Plan | City of Creative Dreams

There a problem spot in my apartment that drives me insane and that is my living room bookshelf. It is a dumping spot for everyone in the family. It is one of those 'do you have something in your hand that you don't know where to put it' kind of spots. Yeah. you can mostly likely find it there. If you have a problem spot in your home that has been eating you away then you know what I am talking about.

After some deep thought and staring at this monstrosity for a long time, I figured spring cleaning is the perfect time to tackle this project. It took some rearranging but I believe I have finally come up with a layout for the bookshelf that is organized and will hopefully solve our disorganization.

Fake Plants: I want to replace the stacked up boxes of games and place some plant in a nice planter. It will give the book shelve a nice added visual appeal to the top shelve.

Wooden Boxes:  On the top shelves, I want to place two wooden boxes. The easy open lid works perfectly for storing batteries and cords that are used on a regular basis.

Pull Out Storage Drawers: One of the shelves will have a pull out storage shelve. It is great for storing paper and documents of any sort. Even great for holding and storing homework sheets or important mail.

Small Storage Boxes: I am planning on stacking these boxes on top of each other. It will keep pencil crayons, flash cards and anything else that I find like decks of cards that we have so many of.

Large Storage Boxes: At the bottom of the shelves will each have a large storage box for games. Right now they look like a tower about to fall. Plus the kids can't reach it, however, with these boxes the game will not be seen.

That is my plan for the bookshelf so far. I know that it will be a huge process to get it to that point but I am excited to take on the challenge. We all have a problem spot in our home we have to face one way or another so having a plan ahead of time will soften the stress of it all. Can't wait!

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!

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