
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

5 Steps to Create an Above Bookcase Plant

5 Steps to Create an Above Bookcase Plant | City of Creative Dreams

In my plans for my living room bookcase, I wanted something to showcase at the top. Now, our family doesn't lean towards the real versions for one reason and one reason only.... it always dies on us. Remembering to water was not our strong point so we learned very quickly that we are not planting people yet that does not mean I won't make the effort later in life. It is on my list of goals in my head.

This project was very easy, it took no time at all to put this together. It actually took way longer to wait for a sale that never came at Michaels then it did to construct this project together. I bought two of these planters or flower pots from Dollarama for $3.00.

Step 1: Buy a planter or flower pot.

Step 2: Buy rounded bushes. (got mine from Dollarama $2 each)

Step 3: Fill the flower pot with rounded bushes.

Step 4: Buy longer bush leaves.

Step 5: Fill the flower pot with longer bushes leaves. 
Tuck the ends in and underneath the rounded ones.

Easy peasy! Now all you have to do is find a space for it. I already knew mine was going on top of the bookcases in the living room.  What I always love about these type of plants is that you never have to water them and it looks so neat hanging off the flower pot a little. 

I love that I got to try something new with this project. I got an idea and make it as easy as possible to put together. Seriously anyone can do this. The rounded bushes gives the pot the appearance of being full and the longer ones, look fantastic hanging out. Plus no one knows when these are places in high places!

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderfully creative week!

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