
Thursday, April 28, 2016

WOW Spil Free Cup Review

WOW Spil Free Cup Review | City of Creative Dreams

This WOW cup was a gift to my son from my mom. She orginally got one for my littlest sister but when I saw one I had to get her to find one for my son as well. My littlest sister is eight now and she still spills her cup very often. It is a little exhaughting to deal with however, since she has been using the cup there hasn't been any spills and even now she can use a normal cup without spilling.

What I like about this cup, regardless if your clumsy or just too young, it help you for when you do end up using a adverage cup. It is the perfect transition cup between sippy cup and adverage cup. I love that it is designed like a cup with a lid, it doesn't spill and comes in great colors.

There is a hole at the top of the cover but the drink does not come out of that part like what some may think. it actually comes out from the sides of the come. 

"Okay so this cup never spills at all?" I wondered.  To be honest if you knock it over on the table and pick it back up then no, it doesn't spill. However, if your child has it on a angle for a long period, lets say he/she forgets in on the couch for a long time then yes you will find a huge puddle on your couch cushion.

If you have a young one then this will be perfect for you.You can find these in Walmart and more. Also if you want to know more about this product, you can check out there site here: WOW Cups.

*This post contains an non-affiliate link. Opinions are 100% my own. For more information, see my disclosures page.* 

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