
Friday, August 28, 2015

City of Links #86

city of creative dreams city of links party

Say goodbye to City of Links and hello to The Beautifully Creative Inspired Link Party next week! I can't believe that it is almost time for the big launch already. I swear that it was not too long ago I was calling for bloggers to join and worried that no one would apply, but bloggers applied and now I have awesome bloggers to host with me. This means more traffic for you! Woohoo! So much is happening that my brain is still trying to adjust. Lately, I have been trying out programs to be my assistant in posting to my social media site when I start work, I am still potty training my son (why is this taking so long!) and getting everything organized for next week's party plus it is back to school soon for us. So much to do! Be sure to check out last week's party. Link, Share and Check out this week's features!

 Bathroom Re-Organizing

 How to Make Wallpaper Stick Without Damaging Walls

The Ugly Dresser Transformation - Simply Beautiful by Angela

Lollipop Invitations - Howling at the Moon

25 Tips for a Successful Blog - The Krafty Owl

Peanut Butter Cheesecake - Olives-n-Okra

City Of Creative Dreams
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<a href="" title="City Of Creative Dreams"><img src="" alt="City Of Creative Dreams" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Visit Shanice @ City of Creative Dreams's profile on Pinterest.

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderful creative weekend!


  1. Thanks for the party, sweetie! Love all the features. Hope your weekend is grand!

    1. Your welcome, Jas, I hope you had a great weekend as well!

  2. Hi Shanice! Thank you for featuring my invitations! Have a great weekend!

  3. Thanks for hosting each week. Best wishes, Darlene

  4. Thanks so much for the feature. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Maria! I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

  5. Sorry I missed the party, but thanks a bunch for featuring my peanut butter cheesecake.

    1. Aww that is okay, now you can showcase your work at the new party!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I read and appreciate every single comment that comes my way. It warms my heart! I will though, not accept any comment that I believe to be spam like, inappropriate or just plain old rude. Happy place! Happy space! Happy blog :)

If you don't see your comment right away it is because all comments are moderated. Don't fear, it will be up soon so feel free to check back if you want to see what I replied back to you. Thanks again for the love and support. Can't wait to see what you wrote!