
Monday, August 31, 2015

Playdate Cards Printable

playdate cards

My memory could be much better but, a kid's memory is just the same. They want friends over to play with at their house or they want to go to their friend's house. It can be hard to remember every kid your child is friends with or remember the date and time especially when school is going to start soon (or it may have started already for some).

I saw cute playdate cards and thought I would create one of my own. My goal for this card was for it to help me when my siblings friends want a playdate and my mom is not around to answer right away. I remember last year, my siblings would ask me if someone could come over, but they never had a phone number to reach their parents or didn't have a day in mind. I wish I thought about this earlier, but I will help me in the future for when my son wants playdates.

If you are like me, who can't always remember every detail you need to write down from a playdate then this is for you or you can even put a few in your child's backpack in case your not around when the child asks for a play date. Either way you use it, it will be handy!

I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on TwitterFacebookGoogle+PinterestInstagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderful creative week!


  1. These are adorable! :)

  2. This is such a cute idea!! ADORABLE. If you felt like it, I would love to have you come by and link up at the Free and Fun Friday blog hop I'm hosting through the weekend...!

    Found you via Paula's No Rules blog party. :)

  3. What a cute idea! I've bailed on playdates because I forgot about them until the last minute, so this would be very helpful! Thanks for linking it up to Merry Monday! Hope you'll party with us again this week!

    1. Thank you, Megan. These cards should help when you decide to do playdates again!

  4. Thanks for joining in the fun at Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop!

    1. Your welcome, Rina, I look forward to the next party!


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